About your earnings
Your confirmed earnings are made up of earnings from deliveries, tips, and incentives. Trip earnings are based on factors such as distance traveled and order size.
Receiving tips
You may receive tips from customers after completing a trip. Most of the time they’re through the app, but sometimes customers offer cash. You always keep 100% of the confirmed customer tips.
The estimated earnings shown in the offer card will include any pre-delivery tips.
Customers can tip before or after delivery for some offer types. If customers tip before a delivery, this is called a pre-tip. Customers have up to 24 hours after delivery to edit the pre-tip.
If they choose to tip after delivery, it’s called a post tip. The customer has 14 days after delivery to provide a post-tip. Pre-tips show up on offer cards, post-tips do not.
Processing tips to your Earning tab
Pending or processing tips are called unconfirmed tips. You will receive your tips once they are confirmed. Once a customer confirms the tip, it will be processed and credited to your confirmed earnings. Remember, once finalized, it may take an additional 48 hours for an unconfirmed tip to be confirmed. Any tips that are processed after the week they were earned will be added to your confirmed earnings the following week.
You can view the final details of your tip amount in the Earnings tab 48-hours after a tip has been finalized. If the customer changed the tip amount from what was initially offered, you’ll see the change noted in the earnings breakdown.
Earning with incentives
Incentive programs are opportunities to boost your earnings by meeting the incentive program qualifications, such as completing a certain number of trips in a specific time period.
If you want to view your eligibility for incentives, you can follow these steps:
On iOS, press More in the bottom-right, and then press Incentive Programs from the navigation menu.

On Android, press the hamburger icon to open the side menu, then press Incentive Programs.

The Incentive Programs screen displays with invitations for any available incentives.

For each incentive program you accept, you’ll be able to track your progress toward your goal.
Earning with referrals
You can get rewarded for referring your friends and family to the app. If your referred friend completes a certain number of trips, you both may receive a referral reward. See Referral incentives for more information.