Shopping an order
Tips for locating an item at a Walmart store
For each item a customer requests, you can view a picture of the item along with the aisle number, section number, and modular number. Sometimes you may know exactly where an item is located and can find it on your own in a store. If you need assistance locating an item, you can choose to use the aisle, section, and modular numbers to easily find items throughout stores. Here is some helpful information about the numbers.
Section numbers
If you are looking for a particular item in an aisle, you can use section labels. They are highlighted in yellow on item price labels on shelves.

You can use modulars to find numbers on the top-right of each item’s price sticker.

Modular numbers display from left to right:

End caps and displays
If you see a three-digit section number, your item is in an end cap or a display. End caps are always located at the end of an aisle facing outwards.

Feature displays are prominent sections placed in the pathway that typically highlight popular items.

Interactive store map
You have the option to use the interactive store map to easily locate items. The zoom feature also allows you to move the map to get a better understanding of a store’s layout.

Tips for locating an item at a Sam's Club
For each item a customer requests, you can view a picture of the item along with the aisle number and section number. Sometimes you may know exactly where an item is located and can find it on your own in a Club. If you need assistance locating an item, you can choose to use the aisle and section numbers to easily find items throughout Clubs.
Section numbers
If you are looking for a particular item in an aisle, you can use section labels. One white tag with aisle and section information should be located on each shelf.

Clubs might have different layouts. You can refer to the images below if you need help finding an aisle at a Club.

Shopping a batched order at a Walmart store
Items in the order will be labeled with a different letter for each customer.

To start shopping a batched order, tap START SHOPPING.
You will know which item belongs to which customer by finding the corresponding letter on the item shopping page.

The app will suggest a shopping flow, but you can choose to shop in any sequence you prefer. It may be helpful to separate each order’s items in different areas of the shopping cart.
If you need to revisit the item list while shopping, you can tap the back arrow.