Communicating with customers
It’s important not to call or message while you’re driving.
During shopping
Once you have picked the first item, you can choose to chat with the customer. You can also choose to send pictures to customers to clarify any item requests and/or discuss substitutions.
To send pictures, simply tap the camera on the left side of your keyboard to send an image to the customer if you need help with substitutions. Customers can also send you an image to clarify items in the order.
When shopping for batched orders, you can contact customers separately via chat. Each customer's name will have a letter next to it that matches their specific order, making it easy to differentiate between them.

During delivery
If you’d like to call or message a customer during a delivery, you can contact the customer by pressing the Contact button. From the Contact Customer screen, you can choose to send an automated message, send a text message, or call the customer.